Sep 30, 2022
Medicare accreditation goes much deeper than simply being able to bill Medicare as a DMEPOS supplier. In fact, accreditation has considerable strategic value for HME providers when it comes to differentiating themselves in their marketplace, uncovering new opportunities, and demonstrating their expertise to...
Sep 27, 2022
Everyone HME provider knows that if you’re going to be a DMEPOS supplier, then you need to be accredited to bill Medicare. But what if you’re an HME provider that doesn’t supply Medicare? More specifically, what if you’re a retail provider and need some way to demonstrate your expertise to your customers? Sandy...
Sep 16, 2022
Running an HME or CRT business is filled with a dizzying array of complex workflows and unique business, funding and care protocols, practices and procedures. That’s why Bill Paul, who, as a one-time CRT provider, built a series of technology tools to help his business. Those tools went on to become the core of his...
Sep 9, 2022
Ask any retail HME provider, and they’ll tell you that customer attitudes concerning the economy are impacting their buying habits. That’s not surprising, as monthly consumer sentiment data bears that out. Simply put, consumers are worried. So, how do retail HME providers manage those customer concerns during times...